reduce cigarette smoking
Reduce or stop smoking with this cigarette accessory
If you smoke, why go broke
of the

…to the cyber store for three new, exciting, and much needed products – CIGARETTESAVER™ ("Saver") and the SAVER/LIGHTER CLIPCASE ("Clipcase").


Introductory Special: SAVE 50% on Special Starter Package.
Click for more information.
Cigarettesaver cigarette case Cigarsaver cigar case

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In this era of anti-smoker bias, our aim is to make a smoker’s life less harried and less costly. With a Cigarettesaver you’ll never again have to waste a cigarette because you don’t have time to finish it. You’ll find that a pack of cigarettes goes a lot farther than it used to. We also hope to assist the person who wants to stop smoking or smoke less. (How often have you smoked more than you want, just because you didn’t want to waste the cigarette?)

cigarette accessories

The companion Saver/lighter Clipcase means no more fumbling for the essentials of your next light. Cigarette – loaded in a Saver – and lighter are conveniently together. Reduce your cigarette smoking by using this handy cigarette combo.

We think the usefulness of our products is evident to anyone who smokes cigarettes. The Saver allows you to quickly extinguish and preserve a cigarette unbent, unbroken, even fresh for future use.  That means NO MORE WORRYING ABOUT WHETHER YOU HAVE TIME FOR A SMOKE. The Clipcase enables you to keep cigarette, Saver, and lighter handy together. NO MORE FUMBLING IN PURSE OR POCKET.

cigarette cases and cigarette lighter

If you want more description or explanation, please click on the headings to the left of this text.

Order CIGARETTESAVER to help reduce smoking (or stop smoking cigarettes altogether) today!

"Hi. I'm Lori, co-inventor of Cigarettesaver. I'm a smoker and with the Cigarettesaver I can light up without worrying about being able to finish. My Saver helps me smoke fewer cigarettes and it's also a very nice looking accessory."

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